Irritation has been known since
ancient times. From the simplest (young inventors and aliens dropping
mysterious but useless artifacts), to the great (the fall of the Royal
Library of Alexandria coordinated by Julius Caesar, Patriarch
Theophilus of Alexandria, and Robert Louis Stevenson), we find
Irritators everywhere and everywhen.
"I'm not
touching you."
Irritation is great fun. Here are
some fun ways to Irritate.
1: Using
, and the
2: Showing someone this page's source.
3: Detouring garage sales into loops.
4: Detouring garage sales to other people's crappier garage sales
(three times the fun for everyone!).
5: Reviving the oldest possible thread in a forum to correct people's
spelling mistakes, etc.
6: Using etc. when no one knows what the hell you're rambling on about.
7aB3a#1a: Prodigious and indecipherable chapter and subsection
8: Using the word "Bombastic". Incorrectly.
9: Dancing.
10: Chewing other people's pencils.
11: Making pointless media
12: Covering pointless media
13: Caring about pointless media
14: .
15: ...
14: .....
15: Typ
16: ing
17: .....
18: ver
19: tic
20: all
21: y...
22: .....
23: ...
24: .
25: Bombing Italy.
26: Chain letters.
Can you come up with more?